High Design: The Revolution Taking Over Cannabis Dispensaries

In 1920 it was bathtub gin...in 1933 it was Johnnie Walker on steroids. From the Stork Club to the 21 Club the country went from the “flappers” to the Depression.

Here we are today...the herb is legal and now done in style, grace, and dignity. At MJM+A architects we have always supported and designed spaces and facilities looking forward into the hospitality and retail world.  We envision spaces that are dignified, sharp, classy, and legal. In this new world of cannabis production, sales, and enjoyment, we seed the desire to do it with a new infusion of 21st century excitement. We have been in the cannabis markets since the beginning, starting in our Portland, Maine studio where we have designed “grow” facilities as well as retail locations and so we understand the unique nature of the farming to the charming. Our design teams get the technicals of “grow” rooms to the sophistication of the showrooms. We see the product from seed to weed and the need to retail the goods in a stylish whisper that bespeaks the bespoke nature of the variables... to the classy retailing that keeps the environment directed to a mature adult market in a safe and controlled methodology. So, as cannabis legalization has become more widespread, retailers are getting increasingly serious about the design and branding of their shops. As more and more markets arise, we are poised with our team of designers, engineers, and code consultants to get this product that is new to Main Street, quickly, legally and with panache. Here’s a great article in the NY Times about how cannabis dealers are taking the “final layer” of architecture to new levels.